3 Things to Avoid If You Want to Save Your Marriage

Tip 1-Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself
Right now, your marriage is falling apart. You can sit there and be defeated or you can take matters into your own hands. If you want to save your marriage, you are going to have to take actionable steps. Don't expect your marriage to change if all you do is think positive thoughts. You are going to have to take it into your own hands and hope that your spouse follows your lead.
Right now you can't change what happened to why your marriage is the way it is now. However, you can choose how to respond and take action to change the course of the direction your marriage is going. Before you say or do something, ask yourself if this will help my marriage or hurt it. Being aware of your actions and words can significantly prevent a fight from happening and help a heated argument cool off.
Tip 2 -Stop Holding Your Anger In
Have you ever seen a steam in a pressure cooker? If you're not careful, you can seriously injure yourself. Imagine your anger as the steam, the longer you let it sit and fester, the more pressure builds up. Before you know it, with all that anger inside of you, you will eventually explode. Usually you will lash out during the most insignificant things, making you fly off the handle.
That's why it's so important for you to express your feelings when you feel them. It's not easy feeling vulnerable when you tell someone what they said or did hurt your feelings, but it's so much more beneficial in your relationship that holding it in. When this happens, your spouse will notice that if you can feel comfortable enough to talk about your feelings and emotions, they can too. Usually when you hold things in, your emotions fester and your spouse has no clue how you're feeling. How you and your spouse are suppose to have a healthy and stable relationship if you guys cannot be honest with each other? This is something to keep in mind the next time you get your feelings hurt. Small problems can grow into big ones if they aren't expressed.
Try out these two tips mentioned above and see how significantly change the direction your marriage is going. It's not going to happen overnight, that's why this will take a lot of time and effort before you will feel as if your marriage is saved. However, that doesn't mean that you won't see big changes within a few days. Keep in mind if you and your spouse have been communicating in a certain way up until now, expect some resistance but don't give up.
These are the tips from ViVethematchmaker. Using your own good judgment is your best bet because ultimately you are responsible for your personal experience. Trust your instincts and then move ahead with the right person!
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